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Prophet Muhammad's Everlasting Promise of peace and security to Christians - St. Catherine's Monastery, Sinai

النبي محمد وعد الآخرة للمسيحيين

وَأَوْفُوا بِالْعَهْدِ إِنَّ الْعَهْدَ كَانَ مَسْئُولً
Keep your promises; you will be called to account for every promise which you have made! (Quran; 17:34)



Muslims and Christians together constitute over fifty percent of the world and if they lived in peace, we will be half way to world peace. One small step that we can take towards fostering Muslim-Christian harmony is to tell and retell positive stories and abstain from mutual demonization. In this article I propose to remind both Muslims and Christians about a promise that Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) made to Christians. The knowledge of this promise can have enormous impact on Muslim conduct towards Christians. Muslims generally respect the precedent of their Prophet and try to practice it in their lives.

In 628 AD, a delegation from St. Catherine’s Monastery came to Prophet Muhammed and requested his protection. He responded by granting them a charter of rights, which I reproduce below in its entirety. St. Catherine’s Monastery is located at the foot of Mt. Sinai and is the world’s oldest monastery. It possess a huge collection of Christian manuscripts, second only to the Vatican, and is a world heritage site. It also boasts the oldest collection of Christian icons. It is a treasure house of Christian history that has remained safe for 1400 years under Muslim protection.

The Promise to St. Catherine:"This is a message from Muhammad ibn Abdullah, as a covenant to those who adopt Christianity, near and far, we are with them.
Verily I, the servants, the helpers, and my followers defend them, because Christians are my citizens; and by Allah! I hold out against anything that displeases them.

No compulsion is to be on them. Neither are their judges to be removed from their jobs nor their monks from their monasteries. No one is to destroy a house of their religion, to damage it, or to carry anything from it to the Muslims' houses.
Should anyone take any of these, he would spoil God's covenant and disobey His Prophet. Verily, they are my allies and have my secure charter against all that they hate.

No one is to force them to travel or to oblige them to fight. The Muslims are to fight for them. If a female Christian is married to a Muslim, it is not to take place without her approval. She is not to be prevented from visiting her church to pray. Their churches are to be respected. They are neither to be prevented from repairing them nor the sacredness of their covenants.

No one of the nation (Muslims) is to disobey the covenant till the Last Day (end of the world)."

The first and the final sentence of the charter are critical. They make the promise eternal and universal. Muhammed asserts that Muslims are with Christians near and far straight away rejecting any future attempts to limit the promise to St. Catherine alone. By ordering Muslims to obey it until the Day of Judgment the charter again undermines any future attempts to revoke the privileges. These rights are inalienable. Muhammed declared Christians, all of them, as his allies and he equated ill treatment of Christians with violating God’s covenant.

A remarkable aspect of the charter is that it imposes no conditions on Christians for enjoying its privileges. It is enough that they are Christians. They are not required to alter their beliefs, they do not have to make any payments and they do not have any obligations. This is a charter of rights without any duties!
The document is not a modern human rights treaty but even thought it was penned in 628 A.D. it clearly protects the right to property, freedom of religion, freedom of work, and security of the person.

I know most readers, must be thinking so what? Well the answer is simple. Those who seek to foster discord among Muslims and Christians focus on issues that divide and emphasize areas of conflict. But when resources such as Muhammad’s promise to Christians is invoked and highlighted it builds bridges. It inspires Muslims to rise above communal intolerance and engenders good will in Christians who might be nursing fear of Islam or Muslims.

When I look at Islamic sources, I find in them unprecedented examples of religious tolerance and inclusiveness. They make me want to become a better person. I think the capacity to seek good and do good inheres in all of us. When we subdue this predisposition towards the good, we deny our fundamental humanity. In this holiday season, I hope all of us can find time to look for something positive and worthy of appreciation in the values, cultures and histories of other peoples.
See for example Life and Teachings of Muhammed by Amir Ali, p. 176. click to read it.

The original charter does not survive, but several copies are now extant in the library of St Catherine, some of which are witnessed by the judges of Islam in order to lend some force to its semblance of authenticity. The traditional explanation which accounts for the loss of the original claims that during the Conquest of Egypt by the Ottoman sultan Selim I in 1517, the original document was seized from the monastery by Ottoman soldiers and taken to Selim's palace at Constantinople.[2][1] A copy was then made to compensate for its loss at the monastery.[1] On the other hand, it is also possible that the charter was simply renewed under the new rulers, as other documents in the archive suggest.[3] Traditions about the tolerance shown towards the monastery were reported in governmental documents issued in Cairo and during the period of Ottoman rule (1517-1798), the Pasha of Egypt annually reaffirmed its protections.[1]
In 1630, Gabriel Sionita published the first edition of the Arabic text, with Latin translation, under the title Testamentum et pactiones inter Mohammedem et Christianae fidei cultores.
The origins of the document has been the subject of a number of different traditions, best known through the accounts of European travellers who visited the monastery.[1] These authors include the French knight Greffin Affagart (d. c. 1557), the French traveller Jean de Thévenot (d. 1667) and the English prelate Richard Peacocke,[1] who included an English translation of the text.
Since the 19th century, several aspects of the Achtiname, notably the list of witnesses, have been questioned by scholars.[4] There are similarities to other documents granted to other religious communities in the Near East. One example is Muhammad's letter to the Christians of Najrān, which first came to light in 878 in a monastery in Iraq and whose text is preserved in the Chronicle of Séert.[1]
The contents of letter are however generally in line with the special privileges granted by Islam to Christians as  People of the Book. 

نص العهد: "هذا كتاب كتبه محمد بن عبدالله إلى كافة الناس أجمعين بشيراً ونذيراً ومؤتمناً على وديعة الله في خلقه لئلا يكون للناس على الله حجة بعد الرسل وكان الله عزيزاً حكيماً كتبه لأهل ملته ولجميع من ينتحل دين النصرانية من مشارق الأرض ومغاربها قريبها وبعيدها فصيحها وعجميها معروفها ومجهولها كتاباً جعله لهم عهداً. لا يغير أسقف من أسقفيته ولا راهب من رهبانيته ولا حبيس من صومعته ولا سايح من سياحته ولا يهدم بيت من بيوت كنائسهم وبيعهم ولا يدخل شيء من بناء كنائسهم في بناء مسجد ولا في منازل المسلمين فمن فعل شيء من ذلك فقد نكث عهد الله وخالف رسوله ولا يحمل على الرهبان والأساقفة ولا من يتعبد جزيةً ولا غرامة وأنا أحفظ ذمتهم أين ما كانوا من بر أو بحر في المشرق والمغرب والشمال والجنوب وهم في ذمتي وميثاقي وأماني من كل مكروه فمن نكث العهد الذي فيه وخالفه إلى غيره وتعدى ما أمره كان لعهد الله ناكثاً ولميثاقه ناقضاً وبدينه مستهزئاً وللّعنة مستوجباً سلطاناً كان أو غيره من المسلمين المؤمنين."

تعتبر الجملتان الأولى والأخيرة في هذا العهد حاسمتان، فهما تجعلان الوعد أبدياً وعالمياً. يؤكد النبي محمد (ص) أن المسلمين يقفون مع المسيحيين من قريب وبعيد، ويرفضون فوراً أية محاولات مستقبلية للحد من وعد دير القديسة كاثرين وحده. من خلال أمر المسلمين باحترام الوعد حتى يوم القيامة، يُفشل الصك مرة أخرى أية محاولات مستقبلية لإلغاء الامتيازات. هناك ثلاثة حقوق لا يمكن التنازل عنها.

أعلن النبي محمد (ص) أن المسيحيين جميعهم حلفاء له حيث ساوى بين معاملة المسيحيين السيئة مع انتهاك عهد الله تعالى.

ومن النواحي المثيرة للاهتمام والإعجاب في الصك أنه لا يفرض أية شروط على المسيحيين للتمتع بميزاته. يكفي إنهم مسيحيون، ولا يُطلب منهم تغيير إيمانهم ومعتقداتهم ولا أن يدفعوا جزية ولا تكون عليهم أية التزامات. هذا صك حقوق دون أية التزامات.

ليست الوثيقة معاهدة عصرية في حقوق الإنسان، ولكنها، ورغم أنها صيغت عام 628 بعد الميلاد فإنها تحمي بوضوح حقوق الملكية والحرية الدينية وحرية العمل والأمن الشخصي.

أعرف أن معظم القراء سوف يقولون "وماذا بعد؟".

حسناً، الجواب بسيط: يركز هؤلاء الذين يبغون رعاية الفتنة بين المسلمين والمسيحيين على قضايا تتسبب بالفرقة والنزاع. ولكن عندما تطرح موارد مثل وعد النبي محمد (ص) إلى المسيحيين ويتم إبرازها فإنها تبني الجسور.

وهي تلهم المسلمين أن يرتفعوا فوق عدم التسامح الطائفي وتولد حسن النية لدى المسيحيين الذين قد يكونوا يتعاملون مع الخوف من الإسلام والمسلمين.

عندما أنظر إلى المصادر الإسلامية أجد بها أمثلة لا سابق لها من التسامح الديني والشمولية. تجعلني أرغب بأن أصبح إنساناً أفضل. أعتقد أن القدرة على السعي لما هو صالح وصنعه متأصلان فينا جميعاً. عندما نكبت هذا التوجه نحو الصلاح فإننا ننكر إنسانيتنا الأساسية.

آمل في أعقاب فترة الأعياد أن نجد جميعاً الوقت للبحث عن أمر إيجابي يستحق التقدير في قيم وتاريخ وثقافة الشعوب الأخرى.

St. Catherine's Monastery, Sinai, Egypt                                          A Picture of Prophet Muhammad's Letter to St. Catherine's Monastery

Dr. Muqtedar Khan | 08.22.2010
This article was published in the Pittsburg Post-Gazette [03.25.2007], Daily News Egypt [03.09.2007], AltMuslim [03.03.2007],  Pakistan Link,  Middle East WindowTurkish Daily News [04.10.2007 ], OpEd news [03.19.2007],Ikhwanweb [02.11.07],  and many other places..

Article also available in:  English  |  Indonesia  |  عربي  |  اردو  |  Français
Courtesy Common Ground News Service
Minorities in Islamic State: The hand book highlights the rights of minorites...

Read more:

Protection of Minorities, a Religious Obligation of Muslims: http://islam4humanite.blogspot.com/2015/03/non-muslims-in-islamic-society.html

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Trump Presidency Is a Global Threat, Economist Intelligence Unit Warns

A British research organization has warned that a Donald Trump presidency could have a dangerous impact on the world economy, increasing the potential of Islamic terror attacks and of a trade war with Mexico and China.
The Economist Intelligence Unit released its updated global risk assessment, ranking the election of Trump a 12 on a scale of one to 25 — the same number it assigned to the possibility that jihadi terrorism would destabilize the global economy.
The firm pointed to a number of reasons, including Trump's hostility toward free trade, his accusing China of being a "currency manipulator, his advocating the killing of terrorists' families, and his proposal to move troops into Syria to fight ISIS and take its oil.

Image: Donald Trump Holds Campaign Town Hall In Tampa

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to supporters 

This appeared to be the first time the EIU had rated a presidential candidate's election as a global risk, the firm told Politico.
"His militaristic tendencies towards the Middle East (and ban on all Muslim travel to the U.S.) would be a potent recruitment tool for jihadi groups, increasing their threat both within the region and beyond," the EIU said.
The organization ranks risks by impact and probability. A Trump presidency bore high impact, but moderate probability, the EIU said.

The threat list. Economist Intelligence Unit

"Although we do not expect Mr. Trump to defeat his most likely Democratic contender, Hillary Clinton, there are risks to this forecast, especially in the event of a terrorist attack on U.S. soil or a sudden economic downturn," the authors wrote.
Trump also will likely face stiff opposition in Congress, both from Democrats and Republicans, the EIU said.
That "internal bickering," however, could weaken the country's policymaking, the firm said.
Other global threats on the list included a "sharp economic slowdown in China," a collapse of investment in the oil sector, the break up of the European Union, the further rise of jihadi terrorism, and Russian actions in Ukraine and Syria leading to "a new 'cold war.'"
The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Also Wednesday, the Washington Post editorial board called for the Republican Party to aim for as brokered convention to prevent a Trump nomination, arguing that Trump "presents a threat to American democracy."
"Mr. Trump resembles other strongmen throughout history who have achieved power by manipulating democratic processes," the editorial board wrote. "Their playbook includes a casual embrace of violence; a willingness to wield government powers against personal enemies; contempt for a free press; demonization of anyone who is not white and Christian; intimations of dark conspiracies; and the propagation of sweeping, ugly lies." 
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Exporting Iranian revolution to Arabs

After the Iranian Revolution the foreign policy of Iran changed dramatically. In many cases diplomatically inimical Arab nations became more cooperative with Iran, while some formerly supportive nations decreased their support.
Ruhollah Khomeini, leader of the revolution and founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its first Supreme Leader declared that, "The concept of monarchy totally contradicts Islam." Therefore, Arab leaders developed a hostile attitude towards the Islamic Republic of Iran. Khomeini's idea of supporting the mustazafeen (those who are wronged or oppressed) as opposed to the mustakbareen (those who are arrogant) led to many problems with neighboring countries due to some Arab regimes being judged by Iranian jurists to be among the mustakbareen. Ayatollah Khomeini was open about his intention to export the revolution to other parts of the Muslim world. Thus, during the early 1980s, Iran was isolated regionally and internationally. This diplomatic and economic isolation intensified during the Iran–Iraq War in which almost all neighboring Arab states, except Syria, supported Iraq logistically and economically. According to some observers,Saddam Hussein fought on behalf of other Arab states that viewed Iran as a potential threat to their stability.
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the revolutionary zeal cooled and a degree of pragmatism was adopted by Iranian policy makers. During the presidency of Akbar Hashemi and Mohammad Khatami, Iranian foreign policy switched to reducing international tensions and Iran tried to normalize its relations with its Arab neighbors. When the United States attacked Iraq in the early 1990s, it promoted Iran's political influence in the Middle East.
Since 2000 the situation changed completely. The most significant factor was Bush administration's decision to attack Iraq in 2003 which led to the fall of Saddam, a ba'athist leader with pan-Arab sympathies who was determined to balance Shi'a Iran's regional influence. With the deposition of Saddam, Iran found a major obstacle to its expansion removed. This gave Iran a good chance to emerge as a major player in the Middle East. As Richard Haass quoted Iran will be one of the two most powerful states in the region...The influence of Iran and groups associated with it has been reinforced. Iran could find allies in Arab world comprising Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait and Iraq. On the other hand, Saudi ArabiaJordan and United Arab Emirates united against Iran, with support from the United States. Other Arab countries continued to have normal relations with Iran.
Another aspect of tension between Iran and Arab countries has been sectarianism. During the early days of the Iranian Revolution, Ayatollah Khomeini endeavored to bridge the gap between Shias and Sunnis by forbidding criticizing the Caliphs who preceded Ali. He also declared it permissible for Shiites to pray behind Sunni imams. However, the influence of Iran on Shiite communities outside its borders and the territorial disputes with Arab neighbors among other issues remain sources of tension in Arab-Iranian relations.[citation needed]
Diplomatic cables leaked in 2010 revealed Arab leaders singled out Iran as the greatest threat to regional stability, yet refuse to speak publicly, telling US diplomats in private, they'd face domestic troubles if they were seen as siding with the West against a Muslim country. The cables showed that Saudi Arabia and Bahrain supported a military attack against Iran aimed to stop the Iranian nuclear program.
On January 4, 2016, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain severed diplomatic ties with Iran. Saudi Arabia cited attacks on the Saudi embassy in Tehran following predominantly Sunni Saudi Arabia's execution of a Shiite cleric. Bahrain cited Iran's "blatant and dangerous interference" in Bahrain and other Arab countries. Read full article at Wikipedia >>>
Read English translation below.....
ایران سے عرب ممالک میں 'انقلاب کی برآمد'
لبنان - حسن فحص
انیس سو پچاسی کے اوخر میں ایرانی قیادت نے پاسداران اسلامی انقلاب کے زیرانتظام "ورلڈ لبریشن موومنٹس بیورو – دفتر سازمانهائے أزادى بخش" کو بند کرکے ان تحریکوں کے ساتھ رابطے کی ذمہ داری وزارت خارجہ کے حوالے کردی۔ اس وقت علی ولایتی وزیر خارجہ، میر حسین موسوی وزیراعظم اور علی خامنہ ای ایران کے صدر تھے۔
اس فیصلے کے بعد تہران میں لبریشن موومنٹس کے دفاتر پر پابندیوں کے حوالے سے اقدامات کا آغاز ہوا جن کا نتیجہ بالآخر ایران سے ان تحریکوں کے نکل جانے پر ہوا۔ تاہم عراقی اور افغان تحریکوں کو مستقبل میں ان کے خصوصی کردار کی وجہ سے باقی رکھا گیا۔ بعد ازاں یہ کردار 1988 اور 2003 میں عراقیوں اور 2001 میں افغانوں کے ساتھ واضح ہوگیا۔ اس کے علاوہ فلسطینی سفارت خانے کو بھی برقرار رکھا گیا تاکہ ایران کی نگرانی میں پروان چڑھنے والی تنظیموں کے مفاد میں فلسطین کے ساتھ تعلق استوار کیا جائے۔
بعض میدانوں کی خصوصیت
یہ بات بالکل واضح ہے کہ شروع سے ہی لبنان کے ساتھ خصوصی تعلق رکھا گیا۔ لبنانی بحران میں فوجی پاسداران کے ادارے کی جلد اور براہ راست مداخلت کا ایرانی حکمت عملی سے گہرا تعلق تھا کیوں کہ وہ لبریشن موومنٹس کے لیے بہترین میدان تھا۔ بالخصوص 1982 میں اسرائیلی حملے اور اس کے بعد ایرانی فورس کے لبنان بھیجے جانے کے بعد۔ تاہم اس منصوبے کی راہ میں بھی دو بنیادی رکاوٹیں تھیں :
پہلی : خمینی نے "سب سے پہلے ایران" کے نعرے کے تحت ایرانی فوجیوں کی بڑی تعداد کو نہ بھیجنے کا فیصلہ کیا کیوں کہ ایران کو عراق میں صدام حسین کی حکومت کے ساتھ جنگ کا سامنا تھا۔
دوسری : اس وقت کے شامی صدر حافظ الاسد نے دمشق پہنچنے والے ایرانی فوج کے ہراول دستے کے تقریبا 4 ہزار اہل کاروں کو لبنان کی سرحد تک پہنچنے سے روک دیا تھا۔
اس کے مقابل تہران میں ان تحریکوں کے نمائندوں کا نظر آنا ختم ہوگیا جو جزیرہ عرب میں انقلاب لانے کی کوششیں کررہی تھیں جن میں بحرین، کویت اور دیگر عرب ممالک شامل ہیں۔
اس کے علاوہ دیگر تحریکوں مثلا جنوبی امریکا کے انقلابی، پولیساریو تحریک، الجزائر کے انقلابی، مصری انقلابی، یورپی بائیں بازو کی جماعتیں اور اسپین میں باسک تنظیم وغیرہ کے نمائندے بھی ایران سے کوچ کرگئے۔
آزادی کی عالمی تحریکوں کے ساتھ تعلق محدود کرنے کے ایرانی فیصلے سے تین میدانوں کو مستثنی رکھا گیا جو ایرانی قیادت کے لیے تزویراتی گہرائی کی حیثیت رکھتے تھے۔ ان میں ایک میدان تو افغانستان تھا جہاں شمالی اتحاد سے تعلق استوار کیا گیا۔
دوسرا میدان عراق تھا جہاں سپریم کونسل برائے اسلامی انقلاب تشکیل دی گئی۔ آغاز میں اس کونسل میں ایران میں موجود تمام اسلامی گروپ شامل تھے۔ تاہم بعد میں ان گروپوں کے اندر بعض اختلافات بھی سامنے آئے اور پھر محمد باقر الحکیم نے اس سپریم کونسل کی قیادت سنبھال لی۔ اس دوران پاسداران انقلاب کے خصوصی حلقوں نے عراق میں کرد جماعتوں کے ساتھ بھی سیکورٹی، عسکری اور سیاسی تعلقات قائم کیے۔ افغانی اور عراقی پتوں کو بچا کر رکھنے کی براہ راست اہمیت 11 ستمبر کے واقعات کے بعد 2001 میں افغانستان میں اور اپریل 2003 میں عراق میں بین الاقوامی مداخلت کے بعد پوری طرح واضح ہوگئی۔
تشکیل اور تربیب
مستثنی رکھا جانے والا تیسرا میدان لبنان تھا.. جہاں ایران کی جانب سے تشکیل دی گئی تنظیم "امت حزب الله" کو امل موومنٹ کے سامنے حقیقی حریف کی شکل میں بدل دیا۔
انیس سو بیاسی میں خمینی کے فیصلے اور شام اور لبنان میں ایرانی توسیع سے متعلق حافظ الاسد کے اندیشوں کے باوجود پاسداران انقلاب کے تقریبا 4 ہزار اہل کار دمشق پہنچ کر سیدہ زینب کے علاقے میں ٹھہر گئے۔ شامی حکومت نے ان اہل کاروں کو الزبدانی کے علاقے میں منتقل کر کے ان کے لیے ایک خاص کیمپ قائم کردیا تاکہ وہ مقامی باشندوں اور ایران کے حامی لبنانی فریقوں تک نہ پہنچ سکیں۔
بعد ازاں شامی حکومت اور ایرانی سفارت خانے کے درمیان ایک معاہدے کے تحت ان ایرانی اہل کاروں کی مقررہ تعداد کو لبنان کے مشرقی میں البقاع کے علاقے بعلبک میں تربیتی کیمپ قائم کرنے کی اجازت دی گئی.. تاکہ اسرائیلی قابض فوجوں کا مقابلہ کرنے والے گروپوں کو تربیت دی جاسکے۔
یہ منتقلی تہران میں وزارت دفاع، پاسداران انقلاب کی قیادت، وزارت خارجہ، خمینی کے انقلاب کے بیورو کے سربراہ اور باسیج فورس کے سربراہ کے درمیان کئی ملاقاتوں کے بعد عمل میں آئی۔ بعد ازاں تہران میں امل موومنٹ کے نمائندے کو بھی شریک کیا گیا جس نے لبنان میں شیعہ فرقے کے اندر امل موومنٹ کے خلاف اور متوازی ایران کے زیرانتظام ایک خصوصی تنظیم قائم کرنے پر آمادگی کا اظہار کیا۔ اس طرح "امت حزب اللہ" کے نام سے یہ تنظیم وجود میں آئی۔
کردار کی بنیاد
پچاسی میں لبنان سے اسرائیل کے جزوی انخلاء نے ایران کو یہ موقع فراہم کردیا کہ وہ "امت حزب اللہ - اسلامی مزاحمت" تشکیل دے کر لبنان میں اپنے رسوخ اور کنٹرول کو مضبوط بنائے۔ یہ نئی جماعت اپنی پیچیدہ سیکورٹی، سماجی، سیاسی اور عسکری کارروائیوں کے ذریعے بائیں بازو کی قومی جماعتوں کو مزاحمت کے عمل سے دور کرنے میں کامیاب ہوگئی۔
اس سلسلے میں شام کی ایران کے ساتھ یہ مفاہمت طے پائی کہ لبنان کے میدان کو دو شیعہ فریقوں کے درمیان تقسیم کردیا جائے۔ ان میں ایک تو امل موومنٹ میں شام سے وابستگی رکھنے والا گروپ تھا جو نبیہ بری کی قیادت میں سیاسی سرگرمیوں کا ذمہ دار تھا.. جب کہ دوسرا گروپ ایران سے وابستگی رکھنے والے عناصر پر مشتمل تھا جن کے ذمے سرحدی پٹی پر اسرائیلی وجود کے خلاف عسکری کارروائیاں سرانجام دینا تھا۔
1993 میں "حزب الله" (جس نے اپنے نام سے امت کا لفظ ہٹا دیا تھا) کی جانب سے ادا کیے جانے والے کردار کی اہمیت اس وقت بھرپور انداز سے واضح ہوگئی.. جب ایران نے خود کو خطے کے نئے نقشے سے باہر پایا۔ 1993 میں حزب اللہ اور اسرائیل کے درمیان ہونے والے معرکے نے تصفیے کے عمل کو بڑی حد تک برباد کر دیا یا کم از کم پیچیدہ ضرور بنا دیا.. جس کے بعد علاقائی سطح پر شام اور ایران ایک مرتبہ پھر نمایاں کھلاڑی بن کر ابھرے۔
1996 میں بھی لبنان کے جنوب میں حزب اللہ اور اسرائیل کے درمیان جنگ ایران اور شام کے اس مشترکہ کردار کو مضبوط کرنے کی کوشش ثابت ہوئی۔ دونوں نے اپنے مفادات کو پورا کرنے میں کوئی کسر نہ چھوڑی۔
اپریل 1996 میں حزب اللہ اور اسرائیل کے درمیان طے پائے جانے والے معاہدے کے مطابق فریقین کو ایک دوسرے کے خلاف جارحیت کے صورت میں اپنے دفاع کا حق دیا گیا۔ اس معاہدے کے نتیجے میں حزب اللہ محض ایک ایران نواز لبنانی جماعت کے خول سے باہر آ کر "علاقائی سطح پر کردار کی حامل" جماعت بن گئی۔
اس طرح اس کے سامنے لبنان کے علاوہ پوری عرب دنیا اور دیگر ممالک میں بھی بڑا کردار ادا کرنے کی راہ ہموار ہوگئی۔ ایرانی قیادت کو جو حزب اللہ کے لیے سیاسی، مذہبی اور ثقافتی سائبان شمار کی جاتی ہے.. ولایت فقیہہ کے نظام اور اپنے عالمی منصوبے پر عمل درامد کے سلسلے میں تنظیم سے بڑی توقعات وابستہ ہوگئیں۔
جولائی 2006 میں اسرائیل کے ساتھ جنگ کے دوران اور اس کے بعد خطے کی سطح پر حزب اللہ کا کردار مضبوط ہو کر زیادہ سنجیدہ مرحلے کی طرف منتقل ہوگیا۔ اس لیے کہ نیوکلیئر پروگرام کے حوالے سے ایران کو بچانے کی جنگ تھی.. یہ معاملہ اس وقت ڈیڈلاک کا شکار ہوگیا تھا اور نیوکلیئر پروگرام کے علاوہ عراق، افغانستان اور فلسطین میں کردار کی وجہ سے امریکا اور مغربی ممالک کی جانب سے ایران کے خلاف بھرپور ممکنہ جنگ کی دھمکیاں عروج پر پہنچ گئیں تھیں۔
کرداروں کی تقسیم
1997 ایران کے لیے ایک اہم سال تھا جب محمد خاتمی نے ملک کی صدارت سنبھالی۔ اس سے قبل عالمی برادری کے ساتھ ایران کے تعلقات انتہائی نازک مرحلے میں داخل ہوچکے تھے۔ ایران پر جرمنی اور ارجنٹائن میں دہشت گرد کارروائیوں کا الزام عائد کرکے یورپی ممالک نے اس کے بائیکاٹ کا اعلان کرتے ہوئے وہاں سے اپنے سفارت کاروں کو واپس بلالیا۔
مغربی دنیا کے سامنے خاص طور پر اور پڑوسی عرب ممالک کے سامنے کشادگی اور خیرسگالی کے جذبے کے اظہار کے لیے ایران کو اطمینان بخش اقدامات کرنے کے ساتھ ساتھ اعتماد کی راہوں کو پھر سے استوار کرنا تھا۔ اس موقع پر خاتمی نے اپنے مصالحانہ خطاب میں عالمی برادری کے ساتھ مکالمے کی فضا سازگار کرنے کا عندیہ دیا۔
اس کے مقابل ایرانی حکومت نے خاتمی کے خطاب کو خطے کی سطح پر میدان میں اپنی صلاحیتوں کے دوبارہ حصول کا موقع شمار کیا اور اصلاح پسند صدر کی جانب سے فراہم کردہ سکون کی فضا کا پورا فائدہ اٹھایا۔
یہاں سے ایران نے براہ راست سیاسی نگرانی کے تحت خطے میں سیاسی اور عسکری قوتوں کے ساتھ دوبارہ تعلق استوار کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا۔ اس سلسلے میں لبنان میں حزب اللہ اور اس کے سکریٹری جنرل حسن نصر اللہ کو مہرہ بنایا گیا.. جس کے بعد بیروت ایرانی فلک پر گھومنے والی فلسطینی قوتوں مثلا حماس اور اسلامی جہاد یہاں تک کہ فلسطینی اتھارٹی کے ساتھ بات چیت کے لیے بھی ملاقات کا مرکز بن گیا۔ اس کے علاوہ سوڈان، یمن اور مصر کے میدانوں میں بھی تعلقات استوار کرنے پر کام کیا گیا۔
لبنان سے شروع کرکے مختلف میدانوں میں سیاسی، سیکورٹی اور فوجی سطح پر سرگرمیوں کو پھر سے فعال بنانے کے نتیجے میں ایران کو ورلڈ لبریشن موومنٹس کے بیورو کو بھی دوبارہ سے متحرک کرنے کا موقع مل گیا جب کہ نہ تو اس کا نام استعمال کرنے کی ضرورت پیش آئی اور نہ ان سرگرمیوں میں اپنے کردار کے حوالے سے براہ راست شک و شبہات کی گنجائش چھوڑی گئی۔
تقریبا چار دہائیوں سے جاری اس انبار سازی کی اہمیت گزشتہ پانچ سالوں میں ایران کے لیے بہت نمایاں ہوگئی.. اس کی وجوہات میں عرب دنیا میں انقلابی لہر کا بیدار ہونا اور خطے کی پیش رفت میں حزب اللہ کا براہ راست داخل ہونا شامل ہیں۔ اس طرح حزب اللہ کا یمن، عراق، بحرین اور یہاں تک کہ مصر اور نائیجیریا میں... اور سب سے زیادہ خطرناک کردار شام میں نمایاں ہوگیا جو ایرانی دائرہ کار میں موجود قوتوں کی سرگرمیوں اور ان کے درمیان رابطے کے محور میں تبدیل ہوگیا... اور یہ ایرانی توسیع پسندی کے بڑے منصوبے کے سلسلے کی ایک اہم کڑی ہے۔
پیر 28 جمادی الاول 1437هـ - 7 مارچ 2016م
رابط مختصر 
English Translation by Google:

Aukr administered in nineteen hundred and fifty leaders of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard "World Liberation Movements Bureau - Office sazmanهayy free unsatisfactory" closed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with responsibility for communication these movements. The foreign minister Ali Velayati, Minister Mir Hossein Mousavi, Ali Khamenei, Iran's president.
In Tehran after the initiative of restrictions on the offices of Liberation Movements, which ultimately result in the withdrawal of these movements from Iran. The Iraqi and Afghan campaigns was the cause of their special role in the future. Later it became clear with the Iraqis and Afghans in 2001, 1988 and 2003. The Israeli embassy was maintained in order to establish contact with the Palestinians nurtured in the interest of the monitoring organizations in Iran.
The grounds feature
It is clear that the special relationship with Lebanon began. Why the Lebanese crisis was closely linked to the Iranian strategy of early and direct intervention of the institution of the military elite that was the best field for the Liberation Movements. After the attack, especially in 1982 and then sent to Lebanon by Iranian forces. The project had two main obstacles to:
The first revolution of "Iran first" slogan was the number of soldiers facing war with Iran did not decide to send Iran to the government of Saddam Hussein in Iraq.
Second: The Syrian President Hafez al-Assad had stopped about 4 thousand vanguard of the Iranian military officials arrived in Damascus from reaching Lebanon. It has over its competitors to see the representatives of these movements in Tehran Turks were trying to bring revolution in the Arab world, including Bahrain, Kuwait and other Arab countries.
The other movements such as the South American revolutionary, pulysaryu movement, the Algerian revolution, revolution, European left-wing parties and representatives of the Basque coach Iran've also organized in Spain.
Iran's decision to limit to three areas with the liberation movements were freed who had the status of a strategic depth for the Iranian leadership. If a field has been developed with the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan where he was.
The field was formed the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq where. The Islamist group in Iran were included in the Council. However, some differences emerged within these groups and then Mohammad Baqir al-Hakim took over the leadership of the Supreme Council. The Revolutionary Guards have set up special areas of security, military and political ties with the Kurdish parties in Iraq. Afghan and directly after the events of September 11 to save the addresses in Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in April 2003 became fully apparent after the international intervention in Iraq.
Creating and trbyb
The third field was sorry about Lebanon. The organization was formed by Iran, "people turned into Hizb Allah" real rival in front of the Amal Movement.
Since the revolution, despite the decision to extend the Iranian Hafez al-Assad of Syria and Lebanon reached about 4 concerns eighty thousand men stayed in Sayyida Zainab in Damascus between Iranian territory. The Syrian government has set up a special camp for these officials moved alzbdany area so they can not reach the Lebanese parties to support local residents and Iran.
Later, the government was allowed to set up camp in the Iranian embassy in eastern Lebanon's Bekaa balbk fixed number of Iranian officials, under an agreement to groups fighting the Israeli occupation forces. be trained.
The transition between the Defence Ministry in Tehran, led the Revolutionary Guards, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, head of the Khomeini revolution and Basij Force chief of bureau came after several meetings. Later, the participants were representatives of Amal Movement in Tehran, which has agreed to the Shia Amal movement in Lebanon and to establish a special body run parallel to Iran. Such "people come into this entity called Hezbollah".
Fifty Israel's partial withdrawal from Lebanon has provided an opportunity for Iran to create "Muslim Hezbollah - Islamic resistance" to strengthen their influence and control in Lebanon. The party succeeded in removing the resistance of the left-wing political parties through their complex security, social, political, and military operations.
The rapprochement with Iran and Syria are scheduled to be divided between the two Shiite parties Lebanon field. One of them was responsible for the political Amal Movement led by an evil prophetess who was affiliated groups in Syria. The second group was composed of elements from Iran, whose ties to Israel's existence rests on the border strip was to carry out military operations against. in 1993, "Hizb Allah" (the importance of the role to be played by the word removed) from the time the nation became clear his name when Iran itself strongly. found out the new maps of the region. In 1993, the battle between Hezbollah and Israel destroyed the settlement process has largely or at least complicate the course of the evening. Iran once again emerged as a leading player at the regional level. 1996 war between Hezbollah and Israel in south Lebanon was the joint effort to strengthen its role of Iran and Syria. Both left no stone unturned to meet their own interests. April 1996, Hezbollah and Israel in accordance with the agreement between the parties was found on the right of self-defense in case of aggression against one another. The agreement resulted in Hezbollah just come out of the shell of a senior pro-Syrian party "has become a" party role at the regional level.
Thus paved the way to Lebanon to play a greater role in the Arab world and other countries. Iranian opposition that led to the political, religious and cultural layers are counted. Guardianship system and the scribes were great expectations associated with the organization in implementing our global plan. During the war with Israel in July 2006 and then regional level, Hezbollah's role shifted towards more serious stage strong. اس لیے کہ نیوکلیئر پروگرام کے حوالے سے ایران کو بچانے کی جنگ تھی.. یہ معاملہ اس وقت ڈیڈلاک کا شکار ہوگیا تھا اور نیوکلیئر پروگرام کے علاوہ عراق، افغانستان اور فلسطین میں کردار کی وجہ سے امریکا اور مغربی ممالک کی جانب سے ایران کے خلاف the full potential threats were climaxed.
Distribution of roles
1997 was a critical year for Iran when Mohammad Khatami became president of the country. Earlier, Iran's relations with the international community had entered a critical stage. The terrorist acts against Germany and Argentina announced its boycott on Iran imposed by the European Union pulled its diplomats from there. Especially neighbor spirit of openness and goodwill in the Arab world expression was the way to build trust with Iran and to give satisfaction measures. اس موقع پر خاتمی نے اپنے مصالحانہ خطاب میں عالمی برادری کے ساتھ مکالمے کی فضا سازگار کرنے کا عندیہ دیا۔ اس کے مقابل ایرانی حکومت نے خاتمی کے خطاب کو خطے کی سطح پر میدان میں اپنی صلاحیتوں کے دوبارہ حصول کا موقع شمار کیا اور اصلاح پسند advantage of the relaxed atmosphere provided by the President. from Iran decides to rebuild relations with political and military powers in the region directly under the political supervision. The piece was Hezbollah and its Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah in Lebanon. The Israeli forces on Beirut after grinding the Iranian orbit, such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad even called for talks with Palestinian Authority was the center. In addition, Sudan, Yemen and Egypt has been working to develop relations in the fields. Starting from Lebanon in various fields of political, security and military activities of the Bureau of the World Liberation Movements in Iran revivify was also an opportunity to mobilize again that neither the need to use his name, and not in the scope of activities directly planted doubts of his character. this repository of nearly four decades Listing has significant importance for Iran in the past five years. the reasons for this include the revolutionary wave in the Arab world to be awakened and entered directly into the region's progress in Lebanon. Thus Hezbollah's changed in Yemen, Iraq, Bahrain, Egypt and Nigeria, and even in the most dangerous part of the activities of the forces that were in Syria and Iran scope axis of communication between them ... and this is an important part of Iranian expansion project.
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If Christian EU, Why not Muslim Union?

Image result for european union
Writing in 1751 Voltaire described Europe as `a kind of great republic, divided into several states, some monarchical, the others mixed but all corresponding with one another. They all have the same religious foundation, even if divided into several confessions.

They all have the same principles of public law and politics unknown in other parts of the world.` But they also had a lot of war.

Fifty years ago in a way that Charlemagne, Voltaire, William Penn and William Gladstone, the early advocates of European unity, could only dream, a united Europe became a reality.

War, time and time again, has interrupted the pursuit of that objective. Continued civil war across the continent, across the centuries, has pitted French against Germans, British against kallans, Czechs against Poles, Serbs against Austrians and Spaniards against Spaniards reaching its dreadful climax in World Wars One and Two. As Jan Morris has written in her Fifty Years of Europe, `great cities lay in ruin, bridges were broken, roads and railways were in chaos.

Conquerors from East and West flew their ensigns above the seats of old authority, and proud populations would do almost anything for a pack of cigarettes or some nylon stockings. Europe was in shock, powerless, discredited and degraded.

Over the ages no other continent has been the scene of so much war.

Many, if not most, of that generation wondered in 1945 if they`d ever see Europe again in any state of grace or glory, much less unified.

The fact that the urge to bury the hatchet and forge common institutions has come so far in such a short time against such a background is arguably for the world as a whole the twentieth century`s greatest political achievement. (Following the Declaration of Independence it took the US nearly 90 years to establish a fully mature common currency; Europe has travelled the same course in 40 years.)

Yet this astonishing and triumphant success begs the question:
What is the glue that holds it all together? 
After all what is Europe?
Geographically, it is no more than a peninsula protruding from the landmass of Asia. Culturally, it has always been a potage of languages, peoples and traditions. Politically, it is a moveable feast of the 35 sovereign states in post Iron Curtain Europe nine have been created or resurrected since World War Two.

Indeed it is religion, not politics nor the single market and monetary union that through the ages has made Europe one, held it together through its vicissitudes and bloody wars (many, tragically, of religious origin) and provided the common basic morality and common identity that made the EU, makes a single currency workable, the Schengen agreement making passport-free travel possible inside most of Europe today and political union a tangible, if still hotly debated, goal tomorrow.

Broadcasting to a defeated Germany in 1945, the poet T.S.

Elliot reminded his audience that despite the war and `the closing of Europe`s mental frontiers because of an excess of nationalism it is in Christianity that our arts have developed, it is in Christianity that the laws of Europe until recently have been rooted. An individual European may not believe the Christian faith is true; and yet what he says, and makes, and does, will depend on the Christian heritage for its meaning.

Of course, today one can ask what do the contemporary European cults of finance, sports, TV, pop culture, eroticism and Ryanair flying wherever it wants have to do with a Christian heritage? Nevertheless, the fact is through changing fashions, through wars big and small, the idea of Europe that persists is essentially Christian unity of principles and peace in relationships. On its own, economic self interest never would have created the EU and, more recently, monetary union. Economic, legal, social and monetary unions have been driven all along by men and women who were essentially idealistic and visionary. From Jean Monnet, the founder of modern Europe, to Helmut Schmidt, Valery Giscard D`Estaing, Francois Mitterand and Helmut Kohl, the founders and creators of the EU and the euro, the urge to remove the causes of belligerency and to form institutions that would further the development of a common democracy has been a central purpose.

Europe is not first and foremost a political concept or a un ancial convenience. It is an ideal. Thus it will never be complete. We will work at it all our lives, as will future generations.

For the British to decide not to pull out now can only happen if the university-trained elite together with the leadership of the pro-European trade unions (most of them) educate the public on the history and the ideals of Europe.

Extracts from "Big question for UK on European Union", By Jonathan Power 

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Ummah (Arabicأمة‎) is an Arabic word meaning "community". It is distinguished from Sha'b (Arabicشعب‎) which means a nation with common ancestry or geography. Thus, it can be said to be a supra-national community with a common history. It is a synonym for ummat al-Islamiyah (Arabicالأمة الإسلامية‎) (the Islamic Community), and it is commonly used to mean the collective community of Islamic peoples. In the Quran the ummah typically refers to a single group that shares common religious beliefs, specifically those that are the objects of a divine plan of salvation.[1][2] In the context of Pan-Islamism and politics, the word Ummah can be used to mean the concept of a Commonwealth of the Believers (أمة المؤمنين ummat al-mu'minīn).
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