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SalaamOne سلام   is   a nonprofit e-Forum to promote peace among humanity, through understanding and tolerance of religions, cul...

Tahajjud, Qiyam al-Layl, Qiyam Ramadan or Taraweeh

This article delves into the intricacies of 'additional, non binding, voluntary prayer' called; Tahajjud, Taraweeh, Qiyam al-Layl, and Qiyam Ramadan, with the aim to address overlooked aspects often clouded by preconceived notions, traditional beliefs, and interpretations. Rather than merely echoing conventional perspectives, this piece endeavors to ground its analysis in the core teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah. Any deviation from these authentic sources or reliance on ambiguous, rejected, or abrogated rulings should be dismissed outrightly. The average Muslim, either follow the ancestors blindly or discerning the correct stance, which can be exceedingly challenging. Each group cites hadiths that support their perspective while dismissing others' evidence as weak, fabricated, or unreliable. Keep reading as Goog Doc in << new tab>> or continue reading below:-

احکام قران اور قرآن کا خلاصہ (30 پارے ) Quran Commandments

انڈکس  خلاصہ  قرآن و منتخب آیات - پارہ # 1 سے # 30 تک

The Prophet  said: There is guidance and light in the Book of Allah. Whoever grasps it will be guided And whoever leaves it will go astray. "[Muslim Hadith 6227] see Commandments in English  at end..

رسول اللہ ﷺ نے فرمایا : "اللہ کی کتاب میں ہدایت اور نور ہے، جو اسے پکڑے گا وہ ہدایت پر رہے گا اور جو اسے چھوڑ دے گا وہ گمراہ ہوجائے گا۔"  (صحیح مسلم، حدیث نمبر: 6227) 

Special Picks / e-Books & Articles ڈیجیٹل کتب اور مضامین

Reading remains a gateway to learning and personal development, making the study of books indispensable in contemporary society.

“Are the knowledgeable and the ignorant equal? In fact, none will take heed except the people of understanding.”(Qur’an; 39:9).

“The heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge, but the mouths of fools feed on folly.”(Proverbs 15:14).

e-Books  [Eng & اردو]

Trump , Pakistan & World

Trump and Pakistan: A Tumultuous Chapter in U.S.-Pakistan Relations 

The relationship between the United States and Pakistan has long been marked by strategic alliances and periodic friction. During Donald Trump’s presidency (2017–2021), this dynamic took a sharply confrontational turn, reflecting his administration’s “America First” approach and its recalibration of counterterrorism priorities.  

Christian Zionism : The Real Threat to The World Peace صیہونی مسیحیت اور بائبل

When US shifted her embassy to Jerusalem. This unjust decision is against the UN resolutions and stand of community of nations across the globe. This has created turbulence among the peace loving people across the globe.  The terrorists of ISIS/Daesh and Al-Qaida are criticized to use religion for political gains and power. Same analogy applies to the so called secular democracy – The USA to support Zionism on religious grounds, termed as Christian Zionism.
امریکی امریکن صدر ڈونلڈ ٹرمپ نے امریکی سفارتخانہ کو یروشلم منتقل کرنے کا اعلان کیا تو دنیا حیران ہے کہ امریکہ نے تمام دنیا کی مخالفت کے باوجود اتنا بڑا اقدام اٹھایا۔ بہت کم لوگوں کو علم ہے کہ امریکہ اور… [ Continue reading…]
The policies of the lone super power and the country with the largest Christian population has direct affects the world peace. Any mischievous group through conspiracies and wickedness should not be given a free hand to use this giant nations as a tool to implement their heinous agenda of world domination. 
Therefore there is need to analyse the Zionist claims form Bible, its validity in present environment in the light of UN Charter of human rights, US internal social, politico-religious dynamics and its role in Middle East. This may enable to make this world a better, peaceful place for the humanity...........

In this era of freedom and liberty, every member of humanity enjoys freedom of faith and freedom of religion, as long as the religious beliefs of one community do not threaten the freedom and peace of others. When this freedom is not respected, it results into conflict, war, human rights violation compromising peace. This is exactly the reason of condemnation of Zionism or any other similar concept, be it terrorists like Al-Qaida, ISIS, Daesh, Bokoharam or Takfiri Taliban (TTP). Enforcing your beliefs upon others by force is terrorism in simple words. The Zionists justify forceful occupation of Palestine, eviction, oppression, apartheid, inhuman behaviour and violence to deny their basic human rights on the pretext of their highly controversial interpretations of biblical texts and prophecies, even rejected by majority Christians and religious Jews. If the Zionist analogy is accepted then how can we condemn the Al-Qaida, ISIS, Daesh, Bokoharam, Takfiri Taliban (TTP), Buddhists of Burma, RSS, the Indian Hindu extremists and ,many others who also use their controversial interpretations of Islamic holy texts to justify their war and killing of innocent people? Hence use of religion as tool for political gains and violence must be rejected irrespective of religion, race or country. Since this terror tactics has been initiated by Zionists in last century, it is not wrong if Zionism is called the mother of terrorism, the other groups are in reaction to Zionism directly or indirectly.
Prophecies are about the events in future which will unfold as per God’s plan. He is all powerful to execute His Will and plans. He is not dependent upon humans to implement His plans. There no such commandment in the prophecies. Some people try to take over the work of God at their own, which could be against His Will. He is well aware and knowledgeable. The Interpretation of holy texts and prophecies is a human work liable to error, it must not be allowed to override the clear unambiguous commandments for peace, safety and security of other humans.
Humanity has to decide, either we all adhere to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), mutually evolved and agreed by all nations of world with diverse religions, races and cultures or let anyone impose its own religion, culture and values upon others through any means including power? Should the world community allow colonization, oppression, eviction of Palestinians, Kashmiris, Rohingyas and others from their lands or stop all this to achieve world peace. .... [Keep reading ..]
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Islamic Revival Messages رساله تجديد الاسلام ‏

An in-depth study of the Qur’an and Islamic religious history reveals startling facts. “Risala-e-Tajdeed-ul-Islam” is a message to develop positive change in the thought and practices of Muslims.
قرآن اور اسلام کے گہرے مطالعه سےحیران کن حقائق کا انکشاف ہوا، "رساله تجديد الاسلام" مسلمانوں کے انداز فکروعمل میں مثبت تبدیلی کا پیغام ہے: