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Countering Terrorist Narrative

The military action just one part of war against terrorists. The ideological front remains untapped, except occasional condemnation Fatwas (religious edicts) by gatherings of Islamic Scholars. The terrorists continue recruitment through their propaganda machine via internet through twisted interpretations of Islamic holy texts. The common terrorists,  their sympathizers and supporters within society are not aware of reality. There is very little to confront and expose their false ideology in the media. The rise of Islamophobia plays into the narrative of ISIS or Daesh that's exactly what they want, for some Muslims to feel that they are not part and parcel of their adopted homelands in the Western societies. People like Trump and Indian Prime Minister Modi in power with well known anti Muslim stand, provide more fuel to Islamophobia which suits the terrorists.

The terrorist organizations like ISIS, Al-Qaida, Taliban, Boko-Haram and many others claim the justification of their struggle for establishment of a worldwide Caliphate and cleanse the Muslim land from the infidels (Muslims not following the heretic ideology of terrorists). While these organization and groups use terrorism as means there are many others who are restricted to the political struggle but they do have sympathies for each other. This has caused great loss to the Muslim world in term of loss of men and material besides weakening them politically, economically and intellectually.
Effort has been made to expose the fallacy of the narrative of terrorists, which is not based on Islamic teachings, but twisted interpretations and lies:
  1. Countering Narrative of Terrorists-1: Caliphate of Terror تکفیری خوارج کی شیطانی خلافت
  2. Countering Narrative of Terrorists-2: Dogs of Hell خوارج جہنم کے کتے
  3. The real War against Terror is the war of Ideology & Counter Narrative
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